September 4, 2023
To the TWU Local 591 Membership:
On behalf of your Local 591 Executive Board, Happy Labor Day!
On this Labor Day, and as we have since the Local’s inception (minus a Covid year), we as a Local are serving food at all locations where we have Members. I hope you enjoy the food and take the time to enjoy “Our Day.” Labor is the reason for this day. A day that honors the workers who fought for what we have gained against management groups who left to their own choices would have us working for much less pay and benefits, and in less safe work areas as well.
With negotiations drawing nearer, we need to use today and everyday going forward to build the solidarity that will be needed to achieve the contract we deserve and have earned. A contract that provides for the best in wages, benefits, and scope; not only at the beginning of the contract, but throughout the entire term the upcoming contract. I say this because all the workgroups we represent have been passed by with other more recently negotiated airline contracts, and more significantly by the cost of living with high inflation.
Using AMT wages as a comparison (although the same can be said for the other workgroups and classifications): United Airlines AMT’s are making 3% more than our AMT’s, Delta Airlines AMT’s are making 5.5% more than our AMT’s, and Southwest AMT’s are making 11% more than our AMT’s. Although that is a problem in its own right, when you look at your current buying power with inflation since March 2020, it has been reduced by the reported inflation rate over that term of close to 17%. Granted with the 2% wage increase as provided by the JCBA, and in simple math, we are down 11% in real earning versus just 3 ½ years ago. In reality, the recently ratified Southwest extension only kept up with inflation; yet at the expense of a concession of 2 additional lines of foreign outsourcing.
This wage disparity is a problem that can be fixed immediately with the company living up to the promises we have all heard over and over again at town halls of the past. Those executives claimed that if wages became misaligned in dramatic ways that they would correct to make sure we are 3% above the rest. It would be safe to say that an 11% difference would meet the terminology of dramatic. Unfortunately, I doubt they will live up to their word, but management needs to be reminded continually that we are not keeping up with the industry or inflation.
If the APFA Flight Attendants contract fight is an indication of management attitude towards its dedicated workers, we need to start preparing now for a battle that begins next year. As I was reminded by them last week while walking on their informational picket line, they are a group that is still working under an imposed bankruptcy contract with a few dollars sprinkled on them. We work for the world’s largest airline, and we simply cannot accept anything less than the best at all times, and that will take dedication to the cause of winning the best contract in the industry, and that takes Solidarity!
Enjoy the day, enjoy the food, or if you have the day off, I hope you enjoy the day with family and friends. Always remember that as a Union Member, Labor Day is Our Day.
Gary Schaible
TWU Local 591