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TWU Local 591 2022 Officer & Executive Board Notice of Elections
Feb 04, 2022

Notice of Election and Election Schedule


Posted: January 29, 2022

Attention:  An election will be conducted for the positions of Transport Workers Union of America Local 591 President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary-Treasurer, Northeast Region Vice-President, Southeast Region Vice-President, Central Region Vice-President, Southwest Region Vice-President, West Region Vice-President, Administrative Executive Board Member, Executive Board Member At Large, AMT (Formerly Title 1) Executive Board Member, GSE/Facilities (Formerly Title 2) Executive Board Member, MLS (Formerly Title 5) Executive Board Member. Any active member in good standing may nominate any active Transport Workers Union of America Local 591 member in continuous good standing for the prior twelve (12) months, with an accompanying second by a different Transport Workers Union of America Local 591 member in good standing, in accordance with the Local 591 election nomination forms and rules.  Election terms are for 3 years beginning April 1, 2022.  Please see the Local 591 Election and Campaign Rules for full instructions and details on the election.

Schedule of Election:


7th         Nomination period begins at 8:00 a.m. CST:  Any active member in good standing may nominate any active TWU Local 591 member in continuous good standing for the prior twelve (12) months, with an accompanying second by a different TWU Local 591 member in good standing, in accordance with the Local 591 election nomination forms and rules.  Nomination forms are available on the Local 591 website www.local591.com . See nomination form or election notice for instructions on how to submit. Please see the Local 591 Election and Campaign Rules for full instructions and details on the election.

22nd       Nomination period closes:  All nominations must be received no later than 8:00 a.m. Central Time Each nominee has until the nomination period closes, or forty-eight (48) hours from the time the message or attempted message was left to respond (whichever is longer), otherwise the nomination becomes invalid

25th      Inspection of Membership List:  The membership list of Transport Workers Union of America Local 591 will be available for view and inspection by any candidate at the Transport Workers Union of America Local 591 Headquarters from 8:00 AM Central Time—4:30 PM Central Time.


1st            Candidate Information Forms: Candidate information forms are due by 8:00 Central Time for submission to Ballot Point.

4th          Ballot Mailing:  Ballots mailed to eligible membership address on file with the Local by Ballot Point Election Services. Ballots may be cast at: https://BallotPoint.com/TwuVote/Local591

15th        Ballot Replacement Form Submission Period Begins: If you do not receive, or you misplace, your voting instructions and access credentials, you must submit to the Local 591 Election Committee a fully completed Replacement Ballot Application via email or fax starting at 8AM Central Time on March 15, 2022, and prior to 8:00 AM Central Time on March 22, 2022.   

22nd       Ballot Replacement Issuance: All Replacement Ballot Applications will be processed by the Election Committee, with all properly approved new credentials issued via the e-mail by 7:00 PM Central Time.

28th        Ballot Count:  Ballot results will be delivered to the Local 591 Headquarters by Ballot Point Election Service.  Deadline for voting is 12:00 PM Central Time.  The results will be tallied at 12:30 PM.  Results will be posted on local591.com upon completion of counting.


1st           Term Begins: Those candidates who are elected will take office

Members not in good standing, delinquent on Union dues, and Agency Fee Objectors will not receive ballots.  If you are unsure of your standing, please contact the TWU Local 591 Financial Treasurer Glenn Olsen at 786-368-4351 between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Central Time


Christopher Goldson Election Committee Chairman

Joe Garcia Election Committee

Jose Franco Election Committee



Download: 2022 - Local 591 Election Procedures.pdf
President 2022 TWU Local 591 Duties and Responsibilities.pdf
Vice President 2022 TWU Local 591 Duties and Responsibilities.pdf
Financial Secretary-Treasurer 2022 TWU Local 591 Duties and Responsibilities.pdf
Recording Secretary 2022 TWU Local 591 Duties and Responsibilities.pdf
Executive Board Member Administrative 2022 TWU Local 591 Duties and Responsibilities.pdf
Executive Board Member At-Large 2022 TWU Local 591 Duties and Responsibilities.pdf
Executive Board Member AMT-GSE-MLS 2022 TWU Local 591 Duties and Responsibilities.pdf
Regional Vice President 2022 TWU Local 591 Duties and Responsibilities.pdf
Four Officers 2022 TWU Local 591 Nomination Form.pdf
Executive Board Member 2022 TWU Local 591 Nomination Form.pdf
Regional Vice President 2022 TWU Local 591 Nomination Form.pdf
2022 - Election Notice and Election Schedule.pdf
TWU Local 591
1905 Stone Myers Parkway
Grapevine, TX 76051

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