Local 591 Administrative Executive Board Member Russ Dittmer
July 2022 Activities
Quick synopsis:
Scheduled meetings, teleconferences & calls include:
Weekly Executive Board teleconference, Monthly EAP/MAP Coordinator call, Bi-weekly ASAP/Safety Call, Friday President’s Call, Monthly Executive Board Meeting, TWU COPE IL/IN State Conference
Unscheduled meetings & teleconferences:
TWU Presidents Conference, Union Labor Assistance Professionals Conference, Line Maintenance & GSE Process Standards WebEx
Assisting Pres. Schaible with campaigns and legislative efforts, Tracking JCBA questions/answers, Compiling Executive Committee interpretation of JCBA language, Grievance tracking and management system updates and improvements, Tracking Art 33.B Presidential grievance evidence, Podcasts prep and recording.
July was a light travel month for me, with only two trips out of town. I travelled to SAN for the TWU Presidents meeting and to LAS for the Labor Assistance Professionals (LAP) conference. In addition, I attended the meet-and-greet for the newly elected APA Board in downtown Chicago, including meeting their new President Captain Ed Sicher and Vice President Chris Torres as well as participating in the APA silent informational picketing at Tribune Plaza. It was refreshing to hear so many pilots, including their newly elected APA Board, expressing interest in re-engaging with the other Unions on the property, and we at Local 591 look forward to rebuilding those important Union relationships.
I attended a portion of the TWU Joint Presidents and Officers meeting in SAN. During that session, a great deal of discussions between the Local Presidents and Board Members on the challenges we are facing, and the options moving forward to resolve many of those challenges. In that meeting, with guidance from our own Local 591 EAP Coordinator Ken Morse, a focused presentation and discussion took place discussing the very serious crisis of mental health problems and growing suicide rates, and the need for both heightened awareness, as well as awareness of the options available for the Members and their families. Later, while in LAS, I attended the Labor Assistance Professionals Conference. This Union/Labor specific conference is dedicated to the continuing education for Union EAP/MAP representatives, and helping those representatives better assist any Members and their families with the myriad of life challenges that can befall them.
I want to speak further about our Local 591 EAP & Benefits Coordinators. When I travelled to SAN and LAS, in both meetings I was constantly reminded of how impressive and engaged these two Local 591 Coordinators are. Tony Lepore handles most of the Benefits side, and Ken Morse handles most of the EAP/MAP side. In both meetings, it was abundantly clear how fortunate we are to have Ken and Tony in Local 591. It was impressive to observe how many other Labor Groups reached out seeking to improve or build their own Local EAP/MAP programs to the level that Tony and Ken, along with the entire Local 591 EAP/MAP/Benefits team, have done here at Local 591. If you find that you or a loved one may need, or benefit from, assistance with a life challenge, please contact your station EAP/MAP/Benefits Peer Coordinator, or if you prefer, Ken or Tony. All of your Local 591 EAP/MAP/Benefits representatives names and contact information are on our Local 591 website.
While not actually part of my July activities, A continuing contractual issue which I would like to relay information on is the currently imposed company ‘attendance policy’. First, both the TWU International and Local 591 are not in agreement with the company imposed ‘policy’. Next, as of now, the body of grievances surrounding this ‘policy’ have been and continue to be complied within Local 591, and the first day of presenting the arbitration case for this body of grievance was completed in September. Additional days are needed to complete the entire arbitration presentation for the parties, which have been scheduled for the second week of December 2022.
Last, I feel the need to speak to a goal that I have for our Local. I believe that we probably need to do a better job of cultivating new and younger Members who might have an interest in becoming involved in some way with the Local. We have some really important programs at Local 591, and they take involved Members to make them succeed. If you’re interested in getting involved in EAP/Benefits, ASAP/Compliance, Safety, or as a Steward, we at Local 591 ask you to contact us. If you are interested in learning more, or considering whether joining one of these Member based groups within Local 591, or if you’re wondering if one might be right for you, please either email, text, or call the current EAP/Benefits Coordinators, ASAP/Compliance Coordinators, Safety Coordinator, your Regional representatives, or contact a Board Member about how you can help or what you might be interested in learning more about. Like any organization, this Union Local won’t succeed without those Members willing come behind those already in place, stepping up, and continuing the excellent work at Local 591.
Russ Dittmer
Local 591 Administrative E-Board Member