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Local 591 Bylaws Amendment to Article III Member Review Period
Dec 16, 2022


December 16, 2022

Brothers and Sisters,

Per the TWU Local 591 Bylaws Article XI-B the Following Bylaws Amendment proposal is being posted for TWU Local 591 Members to review, comment and provide feedback.

The TWU Local 591 Executive Board will review all comments and feedback before any determination is made.

A Local 591 Bylaws Amendment to Article III was submitted at the December 14th 2022 Executive Board Meeting by President Gary Schaible. There was no opposition to the proposed amendment by the Executive Board clearing the way for a membership review period.





  • A. Any member of Local 591, in good standing, is free to attend any meeting in the system. Membership meetings shall be held in each of the Local 591 represented cities quarterly, unless changed for good reason by the Executive Board.

  • B. The Regional Vice President shall be the Chairperson of the quarterly meeting in DFW, LAX, NYC, MIA, & ORD; except when the Local President or Vice President attends the meeting. The Local President or Vice President may reassign the Chair to the Regional Vice President at his/her discretion. The Regional Vice President shall be the Chairperson for all other quarterly regional membership meetings and may reassign the duties to the Station Chairperson with prior approval of the Executive Board.

  • C. Officers shall attend quarterly meetings in DFW, LAX, NYC, MIA & ORD, or at an alternative station within each region, and as determined by the Regional Vice President in their respective region, unless absence is approved in advance by the Executive Board or the Executive Board accepts and approves the reason for their absence at the following months Executive Board Meeting. The reason for absence will also be written into the minutes of the Executive Board Meeting. When the Regional Vice President determines the meeting will be held in an alternative location, a secured video webinar will be available for members to watch the meeting, provided the member is in good standing and registered in advance of the meeting in order for the members standing and credentials to be verified.

  • D. The Regional Vice President shall appoint a Sergeant-At-Arms at quarterly meetings in DFW, LAX, NYC, MIA, & ORD, or at the alternate station as determined by the Regional Vice President, who will have full authority to examine the credentials of all persons attending the meeting and enforce such rules as are necessary to maintain order.

  • E. The Regional Vice President shall set the meeting start times for the meetings, subject to the approval of the Local Executive Board.

The Local 591 Executive Board will review all feedback. Please submit your feedback by January 17th 2023 by sending comments via e-mail to Info@Local591.com    

Jorge Rojas
TWU Local 591
Recording Secretary


Download: Proposed Article lll Section C Bylaws Amendment Dec 16 2022-.pdf
TWU Local 591
1905 Stone Myers Parkway
Grapevine, TX 76051

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