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November 2022 Lookback - Russ Dittmer
Apr 23, 2023

Local 591 Administrative Executive Board Member Russ Dittmer
November 2022 Activities

Quick synopsis:

Scheduled meetings, teleconferences & calls include:

Weekly Executive Board teleconference, Monthly EAP/MAP Coordinator call, Bi-weekly ASAP/Safety Call, Friday President’s Call, Monthly Executive Board Meeting, Line Mtc & GSE Process Standards Meeting, Present at TOLS on behalf of Local 591


Assisting Pres. Schaible with campaigns and legislative efforts, Tracking JCBA questions/answers/future suggestions, Grievance tracking and management system updates and improvements, Tracking Art 33.B Presidential grievances & evidence, Podcasts prep and recording, Website refresh and update project


November was not a busy travel month for me.  I travelled to NYC for the NE Q4 Quarterly Membership Meetings.  I spent the majority of my time researching, writing, editing and reviewing documents for the Local.  There’s a great deal of behind-the-scenes work necessary to ensure the Local is responding to information requests, and providing accurate responses.  In addition, I worked with President Schaible continuing the planning process of migrating our old Local 591 website to a newer website, with both a new look and hopefully also easier to navigate.  The goal at the time was for the migration to occur in December 2022, but that was determined to be unrealistic.  (FYI, the actual migration occurred on January 19, 2023.)

This month I want on focus on communication with you, the Members, and you being asked to provide the Local accurate and up-to-date contact information.  One thing most Members may not know is that we are not provided your contact details or updates from the company.  We at the Local need and use your contact information to communicate with you regarding issues and updates that may be important to you.  We strive to use either your cell phone or your email (non-aa.com email, please) so that we can keep you informed quickly and with the least amount of intrusion.  Probably one of the most obvious ways we communicate is providing you status updates, via your email address, on grievances that you have filed.  Another reason we need your contact information is to provide you notice of any meetings, Union activities, negotiation updates, political activities, Local 591 social outings, etc.  We also have had serious instances where an emergency arose with a Member, the company contact information was outdated and we needed to use your provided Local 591 contact information to contact you or family to help resolve or assist with the emergency.

At the Local, we also need some limited personal information from you.  This includes your Veteran status and your shirt size.  The Local 591 Executive Board often considers and approves purchasing various clothing goods for the Membership, from t-shirts, hoodies, hats, etc.  We strive to purchase items which are made in USA, and also made by Union Labor.  While not always possible, it is a very high priority for the Local 591 Executive Board when we consider purchases.  If we at the Local have approved purchasing shirts, and you have not provided the Local your shirt size information, we at the Local cannot assume a size, and you will likely miss out on a tangible benefit from the Local.

Another personal detail we at the Local appreciate having is your Veteran status.  We recently purchased ballcap style hats for all of our known Veteran Members, in appreciation for their service to our country.  When the we started distributing the hats, it quickly became apparent that many of our Members who served in the military had not updated that status with the Local.  We also recently discovered a communication gap in between the TWU International Veteran’s Committee and the Locals.  We are already working to resolve that minor glitch.  In addition to Local 591 Veteran’s Committee, the TWU International Veteran’s Committee also provides a great deal of support for our Veterans and their families.  The TWU International Veteran’s Committee, in addition to providing needed financial and health support, also sends a care package to those who register, with Veteran patch, custom designed Veteran pin.  In addition to updating your Veteran status with Local 591, please consider also registering with the TWU International Veteran’s Committee at https://veterans.twu.org/register/.  The International Veteran’s Committee really does provide great financial and life services to Veteran Members.

I would ask, on behalf of your Local, that you log into www.local591.com and check/update your contact information, shirt size and/or your Veteran status.  It’s really a good idea to set aside a date annually to update all of your important employer, Union, and other critical contact information.  If you have not registered on the Local website, simply go to www.local591.com and click the “Register” link on the upper right of the page.  If you already registered on the web-site, click “Account” on the upper right of the page, update your information, and then click “Save Settings” at the bottom of the page.  If you have any issues logging in, just click the “Contact” link on the upper right corner of the page and send us a note, we’ll gladly work to solve the issue.  Please make sure you provide your name and your employee number to make it easier for us to help you more quickly.


Russ Dittmer
Local 591 Administrative E-Board Member



TWU Local 591
1905 Stone Myers Parkway
Grapevine, TX 76051

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